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To be Inverted or not? That's the question

Do you always hesitate when your yoga teacher ask you to go into shoulderstand / headstand when you are having your aunt flow? Inversions practice during menstruation is still a controversial topic at different schools. Some says menstruation is a form of apana (downward flowing energy) which should not be disturbed in order to avoid vascular congestion and other gynecological diseases. Others say that inversions during period can be a therapy to eliminate excess apana. To my point of view, menstruation affects each woman differently. Practitioners have to be responsible and observant to their own body during ALL asanas (definitely not only inversions, a deep twist or backbend might be even more adverse. And basic postures like downward facing dog and standing forward fold are already half inverted postures) and pranayamas (some locks/bandhas have the same effects as inversions, moving the apana up to the crown of the head). To be more on the safe side, taking a day off from your yoga practice or going into some restorative/yin poses with your cozy cushions at home would be nourishing and revitalizing for you.

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